What’s New in June
News Post
by Trevor Jacobson | Jun 23, 2022 | Monthly Newsletter
Hello, Friends of Easy Does It!
Summertime is once again upon us, and after the winter we just had, I’m sure everyone’s looking forward to getting outdoors and soaking up some sunshine. I look forward to breaking out the BBQ; brisket hits are a little different this time of year, and I’ve also missed gathering outdoors with friends and family.
I sincerely hope you are all staying safe and can get out there and enjoy all the beauty the Bay offers. Now that we are finishing off June, it’s time for a monthly update about what’s new and exciting here at EDI. Thanks for your continued support, and I hope this information benefits you.
Trevor Jacobson
Outreach Coordinator
Wheelchair Repair is Now Available Seven Days a Week
We are pleased to announce that Easy Does It is fully staffed up and prepared for whatever challenge the ongoing Pandemic throws at us next. We have filled all our vacant driver and attendant positions. Expect to see a few new faces just as committed to our mission as ever. We have also welcomed a new weekend tech to our repair team, empowering us to provide you with wheelchair repair services seven days a week.
Thank you all for continuing to bear with us as we navigate the many challenges we have experienced over the past couple of years.
Happy Pride Month
By Trevor Jacobson
Happy Pride Month! It is a time to reflect on the challenges the LGBTQIA+ community has faced and to continue working towards a more inclusive society. Whomever you love, whoever you identify with, you are welcome at Easy Does It every month of every year. We have made a lot of progress and have a lot to celebrate. I was on Market Street, watching the floats go by, when word broke gay marriage had been legalized back in 2013: single-handedly the happiest, the most inspiring weekend of my life. The LGBTQIA+ community has continued to fight for acceptance in the years that followed. We still have a long way to go, but the progress made over the past decade is truly inspiring. There is much to celebrate this month.
Easy Does It Day
By Trevor Jacobson
When I started as EDI’s Outreach Coordinator, I was shocked to discover that we had earned the privilege of our very own city holiday. In 2005, the Berkeley City Council proclaimed June 28th Easy Does It Day. It is an important opportunity for us to reflect on Easy Does It’s founders’ impact on the Berkeley disability community.
The more I have learned about this agency, the more impressed I am by the need it aims to fulfill and the people that make it happen. One of my first jobs in this field was at an electric scooter store; upon starting here, I was surprised that electric wheelchairs relied on some of the same technology. Why? Because our scooters weren’t all that reliable and were quite expensive to maintain. The scooter shop was selling Razors for kids to ride around the cul-de-sac. EDI’s clients rely on their devices to get to almost every aspect of their life. EDI makes it possible for our clients to live life without fear of being stranded by their device and the confidence that if it does break, they will be able to afford to get moving again.
Board Meetings
Easy Does It holds Board meetings generally on the 4th Wednesday of each month. The meetings are open to the public, and there is an opportunity for community members to make comments at the beginning of each session.
Agendas are available on the EDI website no later than 5:30 pm on the 4th Tuesday of each month. We are also now requiring everyone to register with their name and e-mail address prior to attending.
Second Community Forum
Easy Does Its second community forum is fast approaching. This is an opportunity for the public to share their thoughts on how we have impacted the community. The entire meeting is dedicated to your feedback; our board and team will be there solely to listen to you. We strongly encourage you to attend if you have any thoughts on our operations. Please register by using the link below:
Support Easy Does It
We rely on the support of our community to continue providing fast, 24/7 services. Any support is greatly appreciated. With as little as $15, we can ensure a client has a working mobility device. Donate today and help ensure Berkeley seniors and people with disabilities can continue to rely on our vital services.
Our Ongoing Covid Response
By, Michele Blackwell
As you may have heard, COVID-19 infections are again rising in the east bay. EDI continues to take every precaution to protect our team and the community from COVID-19. We have maintained COVID protocols that are stringent to do our best to protect people who may be at higher risk of severe COVID-19 infection. EDI staff have been trained to wear PPE, follow the highest sanitation standards when moving between clients, and have an ample supply of PPE at their disposal. Keep in mind:
- Attendants, Dispatchers, Drivers, and Repair staff must ask health screening questions whenever they talk to or serve you.
- All EDI staff are trained and required to use Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) when providing services.
- All EDI staff must wear N-95 masks when working in the office or with clients.
If you need face masks or hand sanitizer, please let us know, we have a limited supply to share. In addition, here are some other resources:
FREE At-home COVID-19 Tests Mailed to Your Home
Households can now order an additional eight free at-home tests. It would be best to have your name and a residential address to place an order. You do not need an ID, credit card, or health insurance to access these tests. If you missed Round 1 or 2, you could still order COVID-19 at-home tests from those rounds. You will need to submit one order for each round.
Visit https://www.covid.gov/tests to order your free at-home COVID-19 tests!
People who have difficulty accessing the internet or need additional support placing an order can call 1-800-232-0233 (TTY 1-888-720-7489) to get help in English, Spanish, and more than 150 other languages—8 am to midnight ET, seven days a week.
The Disability Information and Access Line (DIAL) is also available to help people with disabilities place their orders. To get help, call 1-888-677-1199, Monday-Friday from 9 AM to 8 PM ET, or email DIAL@usaginganddisability.org
Calling Easy Does It for Services: A Few Things You Should Know
By, Ayanna Keeton
- July 1st – New Year Registration: Every year, on July 1st, every caller to EDI is considered “new” and will be required to update their contact and other information with us before providing services. So be prepared to provide this information when you call in for service next month; updating our records helps our funders determine how people use our service.
- EDI services are for urgent needs: We understand you may sometimes have to use our services, and we are glad to support your independence at home and in the community. EDI provides short-term, intermittent care for urgent needs to people with severe physical disabilities in Berkeley. The following guidelines are in keeping with EDI’s contract to provide services that are funded by the City of Berkeley Measure E funds:
Call EDI last, only after you have exhausted all other options for getting the assistance and care you need.
Need Help Hiring a Personal Attendant?
By Asha Treadwell, Case Manager
Hi, I’m Asha Treadwell – If you need help hiring in-home caregivers, EDI’s Case Manager (ILRC), Asha Treadwell is available to assist Berkeley residents in finding and managing in-home care workers, building skills, and relying on EDI as little as possible. Some of the supports our ILRC can provide at no cost include:
- Preparing job descriptions and placing no-cost advertisements for you,
- Screening and interviewing attendants by phone and in person,
- Recommending suitable attendants,
- Supporting you to manage your home and staff in ways that create a positive work environment and improve your ability to maintain the care you need, and
- Referral to community-based services (housing, food, etc.).
Asha Treadwell
asha@easydoesitservices.org | 510-438-1654
Need More Help Hiring Personal Attendants?
The CIL offers FREE 30-minute one on one consultations on finding, hiring, and working with personal attendants. Offered every first and third Tuesday of every month, 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM, 30-minutes time slot via Google Meet or by Phone. By appointment only.